Our Fees

effective Jan 1 2024


Visiting our clinic in Copford

Neuro Clinic Session: £85 ph

Assistant-led Clinic Session: £55 ph

Initial consultation in clinic: £150 up to 2 hours

Musculoskeletal / Sports Injury Assessment: £85 ph

Follow up: £45 30 mins

Therapy Assistant, where charged: £45 ph

Home visits/School visits:

Initial consultation: £170 plus £65 ph travel plus mileage £0.45 per mile

£100 ph (session) plus £65 ph (travel) plus mileage at £0.45 per mile

Therapy Assistant: £45 ph, £35 ph travel plus mileage £0.45 per mile


In clinic. Please see our Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) page

£120 ph for one therapist and one assistant

£85 ph for one therapist

CIMT Report: £170

AHA (Assisted hand movement assessment)+ Analysis: £170 (Pre- and post-CIMT block)

Casting materials, per cast: £55

Occupational Therapy

Initial Assessment

For children who have learning difficulties, mild developmental delay and mild cerebral palsy.

Assessment Cost - £250 (plus travel costs, if not within clinic).

This includes:

  • Up to two face-to-face appointments (total of up to 3 hours),
    plus home programme and advice

Standard/Complex Occupational Therapy Assessment

This covers a wide range of complexities such as acquired brain injuries, all types of cerebral palsy beyond mild hemiplegia and degenerative, progressive conditions and various genetic conditions as well as children who have specific learning difficulties such as developmental coordination disorders.

Assessment Cost - £500 (plus travel costs, if not within clinic).

This includes:

  • Two face-to-face appointments (Including any standardised assessment that our OT carries out)

  • Written report

  • Admin time liaising with other professionals involved in the child/adolescent’s care

  • Home programme

  • Advice

EHCP Assessment

Assessment Cost - £650 (plus travel costs, if not within clinic).

Visiting our clinic in Copford

Clinic Session: £85 ph

Report writing: £85 ph

Admin time and meetings: £85 ph

Home visits/School visits:

£100 ph (session) plus £65 ph (travel) plus mileage at £0.45 per mile

Paying for Therapy

We accept payments from charities, schools, sports clubs as well as families who wish to privately fund their treatment.

We accept payment by credit or debit card, bank transfer, cheque or cash.